Battery Storage

Life would be easy if you could always generate electricity at the same rate as you consume it. But daylight hours and changeable weather make that tricky. Which is where battery storage comes in.

There are times when a solar PV system (or a wind turbine) generates more energy than the site can use. And, conversely, times when demand outstrips supply. Usually this means falling back on the grid – exporting excess generation, and importing to cover any shortfall – which erodes the commercial benefits of having your own renewable supply.

Adding battery storage to the system reduces that reliance on the grid.

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Our services

On-site battery storage

CleanEarth have incorporated battery storage into numerous solar installations. When there’s an unavoidable mismatch between usage and generation – high overnight demand, for example – storage helps smooth out the peaks and troughs.

Businesses with a high 24/7 baseload can benefit from a solar PV system that’s sized to generate more than required in daylight hours, storing it for use when the panels are inactive.

The key is to design an integrated system that maximises on-site consumption, and where the additional investment in storage delivers an appropriate return.

For every project we build a comprehensive model to evaluate different designs and arrive at the best commercial outcome. We analyse half-hourly usage data, run generation forecasts, and look at how sensitive ROI will be to changes in key financial variables.

Battery storage isn’t needed in every situation, but when it does have a role we make sure it earns its place.

Battery energy storage systems (BESS)

CleanEarth are also developing battery energy storage systems (BESS) to help adapt our energy infrastructure away from fossil-fuel generation and towards low-carbon renewables.

Wind and solar generation is bringing new challenges to a grid that was built for a network of large power stations. As the installed base of renewables grows, the distribution system needs to accommodate thousands of smaller generators – and cope with sunshine and wind not always being on tap.

This intermittency means we still have to rely on fossil-fuel generation when demand is high and can’t be met by renewables alone. BESS mitigates this by charging from excess grid energy then discharging at times of peak demand.

It’s another significant way that CleanEarth – and others like us – are working to meet the UK’s net-zero targets.


Contact us today to find out what we could do for you.

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