
Building Rigmuir Windfarm (video updates)

Nine blades, six tower sections, three hubs and nacelles, and a few other components are going into building Rigmuir Windfarm, just outside East Kilbride in Scotland.

We’re capturing some of the key moments in moving all that equipment to the site and assembling it into three 4.5 MW wind turbines.

Check back here regularly for further updates.

18 April 2024
The first delivery was among the trickiest. Manoeuvring a 68m turbine blade through East Kilbride town centre required considerable planning and some specialist hauliers.

30 April 2024
The view from 149.9 metres. That’s the height of each of the three turbines. With a capacity of 4.5 MW per turbine, Rigmuir Windfarm will generate around 45 GWh of low-cost, low-carbon electricity every year.

9 May 2024
Another busy night. We’ve now completed 6 successful turbine blade deliveries, using the blade lifter. But this never gets old.

4 June 2024
That’s all the constituent parts delivered. Next stage: assembly.

12 June 2024
The third tower is now built, and work continues apace with mounting all three nacelles, drive trains and hubs.

18 June 2024
The final (ninth) blade is fitted. This is really starting to look like a wind farm.

9 July 2024
After a rigorous round of mechanical and electrical testing, all three turbines are now spinning in the wind. That’s a beautiful sight!


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