The Greensplat turbine is located on top one of the highest, man-made tips within the Imerys mining landscape near St Austell, Cornwall. As a result of this prime, elevated location, it is the highest producing 500 kW EWT turbine in the UK, seeing capacity factors of over 80% during some of the windier winter months.
Not only does the turbine exploit Cornwall’s excellent wind resources, it also complements the energy-intensive industries that historically defined this Cornish mining landscape – and still do today.
The location, however, did not come without its difficulties.
Extensive consultation was needed with Newquay Cornwall Airport and various MOD bases to overcome a number of holding objections. Also, due to the turbine’s location on a tip consisting of made ground, a complex foundation using 25 x 25m piles was installed, and a steep dedicated access track built – all in line with the strict health and safety regulations that govern working in and alongside operational mines.
Despite these complexities, Greensplat turbine was operational within nine months.